Snow Effect

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

ResultBlocker - You can now control your own search results.

Click to Download Chrome Extension
Download Chrome Extension
Download FireFox Extension
Download Internet Explorer Extension

NOTE: Searching on Google will allow you to see your blocked sites, and you can UNBLOCK them from there. 

As part of a competition that Kynetx sponsored, I built a browser extension that will all you to remove certain websites from appearing in your search results. Example: If you are continually searching for "Something Cool", and results from "" continually appear in your search results, you can tell your browser to stop displaying those results from "". The extension adds a link next to each result that will allow you to block that site from your results. If you click it, that site's results will no longer appear in your search results. It is a pretty cool way to allow you to customize your search results.

There are two more levels of deletion though.
1. If you delete something from Google search results... and then a few minutes later you go to or to do a search, when you search at those sites, your browser will also stop displaying results from "". Even though you were on Google when you deleted it, it will also delete it from those other major seach engines, Bing and Yahoo. Likewise, if you block a site whilst on Bing, it will also be blocked on Yahoo and Google. Pretty awesome!

2. If you block something from your work computer, when you go home, the results will still be blocked from your home computer. Example: if you were at work and Googled "Something Cool" and you blocked the results from "", then those same results will ALSO be blocked from your home computer. After you install the new extension, it will ask you to login using your facebook account. Once you log in, all of your blocked results will follow you from computer to computer.

Part of the competition was that this work on all three main browser: IE, Firefox and Chrome. I have provided links for those downloads. Over the next day or so, I will add the functionality to unblock sites, so that you can view their results again. Further, it will tell you (very subtly) each time that it blocks sites. At that moment, you will be able to easily unblock them.

Click HERE to download and install the new plugin for CHROME.
Click HERE to download and install the new plugin for FIREFOX.
Click HERE to download and install the new plugin for INTERNET EXPLORER.

Kynetx has been phenomenal to work with. I am currently using their technology for this entire plugin. They have been great to work with. If anyone is planning on building a business level or personal use browser extension, you need to consider Kynetx as your platform. Kynetx is to browser extensions as jQuery is to Javascript. They are to browser extensions what jQueryMobile+PhoneGap is to mobile development. They truly are Greasemonkey, in the cloud, on steroids. They do MUCH more than browser extensions. They have free lunch every Friday for anyone who wants to stop by and visit them to learn more. Please, check them out:

Please email me with feedback:

1 comment:

Mike Grace said...

Nicely done! I'm lovin this! I've installed it and look forward future improvements.
