Snow Effect

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Republican Caucus' - Tuesday March 23rd


For lack of a better word, Bob Bennett is a douche-bag. He is trying to force the GOP into giving him the republican party bid, WITHOUT HAVING TO EARN IT. If he gets enough support, the UTAH GOP will award him candidacy without having to go through a republican primary race. This just CAN NOT HAPPEN.

Since the last time he was voted into office, this guy has voted for every bad idea to come out of Washington, and has voted more anti-capitalistically than not. If he gets voted again, that is our fault. It is only a few hours, but please show up and get this guy out of the race.

If you don't know who he is, then I am asking you to trust me. Whether you are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Moderate, etc, you don't want this guy representing you in Washington. Please go to the link below and find your area's Caucus, and attend. Preferably you would do some research and come prepared to talk about some issues. However, arriving to show you lack of support for BB is better than nothing.

PLEASE, Click HERE and go take care of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Last minute update to the caucus manual. You have to be a registered member to participate. So, I would say show up 10 minutes early to register, but there will most likely be a lot of people signing up at the last minute. So... it would be better if you showed up about 25 mins early.
