Snow Effect

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

School Fires All It's Teachers At The Same Time

Go HERE to read more.

A school in Rhode Island fired every single one of it's teachers this week. The school has a 45% graduation rate, so the superintendent of the district mandated that teacher work more hours after school, tutoring their students. After the teachers (who each made between $72,000 and $78,000 a year in an area where the average household median is $22,000) wouldn't agree to the extra hours without a raise in compensation, the Super made a drastic decision to fix the problem.

To me, it seems extremely drastic. This doesn't mean that it is a bad thing. Considering all of the variables, I think that the Super made an appropriate decision. These children are from the highest poverty areas of RI. Their one common hope for a better future is an education. When only 55% of them can pass math and reading testings, you know that you have a problem. Anyone impeding that change would need to leave. I don't think that I would have had the stones to make that decision, but I am sure happy that there are people who will.


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